Last week I discovered an incredible film, Mirai Ninja. It's a Japanese action movie from the late 80s, and a heady blend of science fiction, fantasy, and samurai drama. You can watch the entire thing online, come back when you've watched the thing. It's crazy inspirational to me. I've got to stat some of this stuff out for something, I just don't know where to fit robot ninjas into Ig! In my head it's exactly what a game of Tenra Bansho Zero will be like, speaking as someone who knows next to nothing about that particular game. I highly recommend taking the time to watch this movie, it's really entertaining. You won't lose more than an hour and change. Commence highlight image dump!
Inverse Star Wars opening!
This is the scene that hooked me, within the first five minutes of the
film they introduce these samurai warriors with tricked out sci-fi kiai
headphones, guns, and this enormous castle tank.
They're in a war with freaky robot ninjas who shoot GI Joe lasers that turn into shuriken on impact, with their own castle tanks, including an outhouse converted into an AT-ST-style walker.
The bad guys live in this awesome castle.
And are lead by the Black Bishop. Death rays and killer fashion sense? Best evil cleric ever.
The good guys get some pretty cool gear. This katana takes bullets.
This guy's sword does a superheated slash.
A bunch of samurai warriors ready to murder some robots. It's got a bit of an Aliens vibe!